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Based on a few years of exploration and web-harvesting. 🙃
<aside> ℹ️ Please note that depending on the sources, East and West are sometimes inverted.
According to the book *The personality compass: a new way to understand people* from Diane Turner and Thelma Greco (1998), East represents structure, while West stands for vision. But according to other sources (including traditional Medicine Wheels from which the Personality Compass draws inspiration), East stands for vision, and West for structure. The choice here has been to follow Turner & Greco’s approach, and thus to consider the East as structure, and the West as vision.
Tummer D., Greco T. (inspired by) – The Personality Compass at a Glance.pdf
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The personality compass : a new way to understand people |
*The personality compass: a new way to understand people* from Diane Turner and Thelma Greco (1998)
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